Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Coriander is also known as cilantro, chinese parsley,dhania. Like other spices it is available throughout the year. Health benefits are the leaves contain vitamin C, vitamin K ,protein and also small amounts of calcium, potassium, phosphorous,carotene,

 It contains anti oxidants, is anti inflammatory, good for digestion and diabetes and lowers bad cholestrol(LDL).


Coriander 2 cup chopped fresh leaves
Onion 1 medium
 Red chillies 3(according to taste)
lemon 1 or Tamarind (small size lemon)
Salt to taste
Sunflower refined oil/
olive oil                       3tsp


Wash the corriander and remove the leaves and cut finely. Cut the onion also.

Take a pan /kadai on medium heat put oil and add the chillies and  onions and stir till they change colour.
Add the coriander and stir it for a minute and turn off the heat.  keep it aside to cool.

Grind the above and also add  tamarind or juice of 1 Lemon and salt.

Tasty Yummy chutney is ready. Can be served with curd rice, roti/chappathi, veg sandwich, chat items, patties,toasts, breads etc.

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